Student Visa for Australia - Processing time



Being the most popular study abroad destination in the English speaking world, Australia is proving to be a great choice for many international students because of its cultural diversity, friendly nature and fantastic quality of education. If you're planning to study in Australia, you would need to apply for and get a Student Visa. So for you all, we have mentioned all the details about Student Visa for Australia processing time.

Student visa for australia

Australia Study Visa

The Australian student visa application process can be a bit complicated, but Australia has simplified its system in recent years with the  Australian student visa new rules. Students can enter the country by applying and successfully being approved for a Student Visa mainly Subclass 500. The best thing about this is that you can apply online for your student visa.

Subclass 500 visa conditions Australia

For students who will study in Australia for a period of more than 6 months should apply for subclass 500. The Student visa subclass 500 permits you to remain in Australia to complete your full-time study in any Australian university for up to 5 years.To be eligible for Australia student visa subclass 500 you must have the following:

  • You will have to provide a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) at a full-time course registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students, CRICOS
  • You need to show evidence of your English language skills. The minimum band requirement for Australia study visa is 6 bands in IELTS in each of the sections.
  • You and your family members coming along with you to Australia must be covered by Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) from an approved Australian health insurance provider for the duration of your stay in the country.
  • If your age is under 18 then you must have adequate welfare arrangements in place during your stay in Australia. 
  • You must meet all the health and character requirements for the student visa.
  • You must show that you have enough funds for your stay in Australia.

The Student Visa subclass 500 holders will have several conditions to obey. Some of the conditions are given below:

  • While the registered course of study is in session, Student Visa subclass 500 holders can only work up to 40 hours per fortnight or 20 hours per week.
  • Students should maintain satisfactory attendance during their semesters and course progress for each study period as required by their university.
  • You must maintain the enrolment in the applied full-time course of study.
  • While you are in the country, you must maintain their Overseas Student Health Cover for the duration of the study.
  • Students are allowed to pursue the course only which has been accepted by the government of Australia.
  • You must let your education provider know your residential address within 7 days of arriving in Australia if you were outside Australia when your visa was granted.
  • If your residential address changes, you must let your education provider know within 7 days of the change.

Processing time for a student visa for Australia

Student visa 500 Australia processing time is dependent on a number of different factors such as:

  • Whether you have submitted all the essential and supporting documents during application for your student visa. 
  • The time taken to complete any required checkings of the information you have provided to support your student visa application.
  • How well and how rapidly you respond to requests for additional information.
  • The time taken to receive additional information from areas outside the department specifically in relation to health, character and national security.
  • The number of places included in the Migration Programme.
  • The decision regarding your visa application may depend on the documentation and information that you have provided at the time of applying.

It is recommended you apply well in advance of your planned travel date. If you include an email address on your visa application the Visa Processing Office will connect with you through this email address. Keep checking your emails regularly to be sure that emails have not been sent to junk by mistake from the Visa Processing Office.

Australian student visa processing time 

Student visa for Australia processing time can differ depending on which sector you are applying for and it can take between same is applied for 500 dependent visa processing time. Here we have mentioned the number of days it will take to process your visa application:

Higher education sector Australia

  • 75% of applications in 29 days
  • 90% of applications in 42 days 

Vocational Education and Training Sector Australia

  • 75% of applications in 43 days
  • 90% of applications in 77 days 

Australian student visa rejection reasons

Here we mentioned a list of major reasons which can cause most of the student visa rejections, especially in the case of Australia. Carefully read the reasons behind each point and refer to the suggestions so that without getting rejections you can move to Australia for your higher education:

  • Failure to meet financial requirements such as Inability to support tuition, living and other costs in Australia
  • Academic qualification
  • Incomplete or incorrect documents
  • Shady immigration history
  • Failure to meet genuine temporary entrant requirement
  • Choosing a course unrelated to previous academic studies
  • Incompetency in English Language Proficiency
  • Health issues
  • Inability to explain yourself as GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant)
  • Criminal records (if any)

Once you have submitted all the relevant documents for a student visa for Australia the application will be assigned a unique Transaction Reference Number (TRN). To track the status of your study visa application online, you can use this number. Once you have submitted everything which is required and if you have followed all the steps, you are several steps closer to move to Australia for your studies. The earlier you start the process, the better it is for your prospects as at the last moment you can simply focus on your shifting rather than worrying about your visa problems. Studying in Australia can be truly a lifetime experience. You can also contact visa consultants for Australia.
Just go and get your dreams of study abroad in Australia fulfilled.

Read also: Student visa for Australia

About the Author:

Twinkle is an active listener and observer. She has a boundless curiosity to improvise her all-round knowledge. She is always open about her thoughts and her personality is filled with thirst for acquiring knowledge about different fields. Her favourite pastime is to pen down her thoughts and knowledge. Her strength is the simplicity of language yet being artistic.

Categories: Australia

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